Website Maintenance Services

How Much Do Website Maintenance Packages Cost?

In search of a WordPress Development Company in India? Let's discuss!

Are you looking for website maintenance packages? House Of Web provides affordable Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) for website owners. Regular website support and maintenance are essential for online businesses.

In India, the average cost of website maintenance services is approximately INR 20,000 ($270) per year.

Website Maintenance Services Packages for Seamless Performance

While numerous website maintenance agencies can swiftly address your site's glitches, House Of Web stands out as a reliable partner, offering extensive expertise to resolve your problems without straining your budget. Our website maintenance packages are both affordable and customizable, making them the ideal solution for your website's needs.

Website Maintenance Packages

Why a Support and Website Maintenance Package is Essential for Your Business Website

Your business website is up and running smoothly, boasting a sleek design and optimal functionality. However, you made the oversight of not investing in website support and maintenance services. Whether it was deemed unnecessary, an overestimation of your website's resilience, or simply a reluctance to spend on maintenance, it's clear now that this decision was misguided. Website maintenance packages are essential to ensure your website stays operational, updated, and glitch-free.

Regrettably, only two months after launching your website, it began experiencing technical glitches. Seeking assistance, you contacted the website development agency you had contracted. However, you were met with frustration as they informed you that their maintenance and support services had expired the previous month.

You're in a bind! Without the necessary skills or assistance, you're left vulnerable, unable to serve your customers or protect your business's privacy. But fear not, because this is where a website maintenance company steps in to save the day.

So What are you waiting for ? Book an Appointment with our expert

Send us your project details by clicking "Book Appointment," and one of our team members will contact you shortly!

Premium Website Maintenance Company Offering Website Maintenance Services

At House Of Web, we've thoroughly grasped the myriad challenges individuals often encounter post-launching their business websites. To assist website owners in navigating their maintenance concerns, we've crafted a tailored, comprehensive website maintenance package. This plan ensures their website operates swiftly, securely, and provides a seamless online experience.

Advantages of Choosing Our Customized Website Maintenance Packages in India:

Your website will not have any security issues

Your website will always have updated content

Your website will be free from any types of error

Your website will not have any security issues

Your website will always have updated content

Your website will be free from any types of error

What is the Reasonable Cost for Website Maintenance?

Website maintenance is a crucial aspect of managing a website, ensuring that your digital presence operates smoothly and efficiently. At House of Web, we understand that the cost of website maintenance varies based on the website's size, complexity, and specific needs. For a small business site with limited features, maintenance might require just a few hours per month from a professional webmaster, costing between $30 and $100 depending on the quality of service. Conversely, larger and more complex websites may demand more attention and incur higher expenses, potentially reaching several hundred dollars per month or even thousands for enterprise-level sites.

Fortunately, there are numerous options available, from hiring external help to performing basic tasks independently. Estimating website maintenance costs can be challenging as they depend on factors like the site's complexity, size, update frequency, and any additional features such as e-commerce or blogs. At House of Web, we believe understanding these elements is crucial for budgeting your website maintenance effectively.

Maintenance expenses can range from basic monthly hosting fees to intricate development tasks requiring skilled web developers. Most websites need ongoing upkeep, including content updates, security checks, fixing broken links or images, testing forms or modules (like booking systems and online stores), troubleshooting browser issues, and ensuring plugins are up-to-date. House of Web is here to assist you with all these aspects, ensuring your website remains in optimal condition.

So What are you waiting for ? Book an Appointment with our expert

Send us your project details by clicking "Book Appointment," and one of our team members will contact you shortly!

Why House Of Web for your Website Development Packages ?

Take a look at our portfolio first, and then we'll show you why you should choose us for WordPress website development Service

Listen to what our satisfied customers have to say!

Every emerging business deserves a great website Maintenance Team!

We are a team of seasoned professionals specializing in website development and promotion. With over a decade of experience, we have successfully served thousands of clients, ensuring their complete satisfaction. Our dedicated team comprises skilled designers, content creators, and SEO experts, all working together to deliver websites that provide long-term benefits.

Website Maintenance Packages

Plus 18% GST

This is standard pricing and as per the client’s requirements, prices may go up.

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Just a reminder to book an appointment with our team!

Send us your project details by clicking "Book Appointment," and one of our team members will contact you shortly!

Our Website Maintenance Pricing Plan Offers Comprehensive Solutions For

Designing | Development | Database | Security | Performance | SEO

Performance Issue

Removing the broken link and non-working pages from your website.

Regular backups of your website.

Fixing & maintaining the loading speed of your website.

Website Health Check

SEO issue

Content Optimization

Image Optimization

Creating Backlinks

Improve your site’s ranking on search engines.

Security Issue

Checking The SSL Certificate

Running Outdated Software

Detecting Malicious Insiders

Development Issue

WordPress Themes and Plug-Ins Update

Adding or deleting script and functionalities related bugs on your website.

Managing products on your e-commerce website.

Fixing payment gateway related bugs.

Fixing Functional Issues on your website.

Domain and Hosting Assistance

Code Optimization

Designing Issue

Updating & adding contents and images on your website.

Adding new design or features on your website.

Updating current design or features on your website.

Adding posts to your website blog.

Why Choose House Of Web For Website Maintenance Packages?

Selecting House of Web for your website maintenance needs offers numerous advantages:

1. Expertise and Experience: House of Web brings extensive knowledge and years of experience in website maintenance, ensuring your site runs smoothly and efficiently.

2. Comprehensive Services: We provide a wide range of services, including regular updates, security checks, performance optimization, and more, tailored to meet your specific requirements.

3. Proactive Support: Our team actively monitors your website, addressing issues before they become major problems, ensuring uninterrupted service and optimal performance.

4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Our maintenance packages are competitively priced, providing excellent value for your investment without compromising quality.

5. Customized Plans: We offer flexible maintenance plans that can be customized to suit the unique needs of your business, ensuring you only pay for the services you need.

6. Customer Satisfaction: At House of Web, we prioritize customer satisfaction, delivering reliable support and exceptional service to help your business thrive online.

Choose House of Web for peace of mind, knowing your website is in capable hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Web Designing?
Web designing is creating web pages and organizing them in a neat and structured way.
Benefits of Web Designing ?
1. Works well on all devices. 2. Fast loading and performance. 3. Reliable. 4. Clean code for better functionality
How often will I get a report ?
You'll have a link to check the progress of your website anytime.
Which Package Should I Choose ?
Pick a package based on the layout and graphics you want.
Cost of Web Designing in India
Depends on the complexity; simpler sites cost less than complex ones
Redesigning Website ?
Yes, we can help if your website needs improvement
Mobile Responsive Websites ?
Yes, we make websites that adapt to different screen sizes.
See Website in Development Phase ?
Yes, we'll share a demo link during development
Change Mind About Website's Look ?
We offer up to 2 free revisions during development. After it goes live, changes may incur charges.
How can I trust House Of Web?
- Experienced - Skilled Designers - Many successful projects - Live website demos.
Details Needed for Website Designing?
Provide necessary information about your requirements.
When Should I Create a Website?
It depends on your needs, but having a website early can benefit your business or personal goals
What Type of Website Should I Choose?
Decide based on your purpose: blog, portfolio, or store.
Questions to Ask When Creating a Website ?
1. Define your concept. 2. Know your audience. 3. Choose a domain and design. 4. Set up hosting and create content.
Need for Website Maintenance Plan ?
Yes, it's essential for keeping your site updated and running smoothly.
Cost of Website Hosting ?
Varies based on the size and needs of your site; basic hosting can be $5-$10/month
How Long Does it Take to Build a Website ?
On average, 2-6 months depending on complexity.
Cost of Website Development ?
Depends on design, functionality, content, and hosting
Who to Hire for Website Development ?
Look for experienced professionals with good references and portfolios.
Which CMS to Choose ?
Consider factors like control, customization, and support; popular options include WordPress, Joomla, and Magento.
Cost of Website Renewal ?
Varies based on features and updates needed.
How Many Pages Do I Need ?
Depends on your content and purpose; more pages can enhance SEO but avoid overwhelming visitors
Can I Make a Website for Free ?
Yes, using website builders like Wix or, but free options may have limitations.
Cost of Website per Year ?
Ranges from $1,000 to $2,000 for small businesses, including domain, hosting, and design.
Cost of Designers for Website ?
On average, between $1,000 and $10,000 for custom designs.
Cost of One-Page Website ?
Varies based on complexity, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.
Hours to Build a Website ?
Around 20-40 hours depending on complexity.
Is Building a Website Hard ?
Yes, it requires understanding of coding, design, and marketing.
Is Creating a Website Worth it ?
Yes, it helps establish an online presence and can be rewarding if successful.
Why Does a Small Business Need a Website ?
It helps reach more customers and provides easy access to information.
Pros and Cons of Websites?
Pros: Easy updates, information sharing, customer support, selling products. Cons: Costly, technical expertise needed, vulnerable to attacks.
Why Shouldn't I Use a Website Builder?
Limited design and functionality, compatibility issues, and poor SEO.
Why Websites are Better than Apps ?
Cheaper, work on any device, more up-to-date, and accessible.
Is it Affordable to Make an App or Website ?
Websites are generally cheaper due to simpler development and broader accessibility
Affordable Ways to Start a Website ?
Use website builders, buy domain and hosting, or use free platforms with ads.
Do I Have to Pay Monthly for a Website ?
It depends on your choice; paid platforms offer more features and support, while free options have limitations

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    Cabin No. 26, Second Floor, SCO:37, Sector 11, Panchkula, Haryana, 134109